Wednesday, August 29, 2012


well if your reading this . that means your a hazel fan AND YOUR DOWN and have been waiting for me to actually do something with the company and web page ,, first let me tell you i'm sorry for being so laid back about HAZEL , second let me thank you for the support over the years, and third hit up the online store and help US get rid of this old stock of product please .

now i've been up in the air on what direction to go but i'm working on it , i know the Hazel Mob still has my back which is the way it should be because i have there back . and thats what it is all about in the first place " FRIENDS " we were never the super team we were all just friends out skating and filming , which brings up the video i'm posting . made for just us for frank mares birthday party in 2010 frank asked me to post it . ' FUCK THE STREETS ' FEATURING THE HAZEL MOB ....

Sunday, June 17, 2012

ny skateboarding 3 years strong ,,,

well this weekend the HOV hosted the 3 year of and it was rick the nyskateboards front mans birthday , hears a little clip i decided to film in between putting in my time helping everyone emptying the two kegs and water gun fights . good times great people it was kind of special like a miller commercial .

Monday, May 21, 2012


People been asking me for new boards and wondering were i've been . well i've been working trying to make some money to live and to pay a few bills . i've also been out skating a little bit . you get lost sometimes when your trying to run a company by yourself . i lost going out and just skating with my friends , people i've trust with my life and just having fun . i wanted and needed that back in my life , i've also have been filming a little bit here and there with HAZEL CREW ! which is every one that has ever stood behind me and has showed support , my friends are like my family and family is what matters . so i will do a new board soon and it will be a CREW board for all of them .. hears two short clips of some sessions we been having H-UNIT 2012 .. WE DON'T DIE WE MULTIPLY !!