Thursday, October 21, 2010

were r you !

well if your wonding what we been doing lately ? truth is pretty much nothing .
matt and shane are out skating scotts mia . i haven't been fliming . more shops been closing . things look pretty bleak the last few months . i deleted my final cut by accident so i dont / cant even make any video clips for you . oh and you guys really have to stop shopping at malls store , your killing all of the skate shops and small company like myself . i dont undersatnd why kids would shop there boards with grip are like 65 bucks ? yeah i know theres a barging bin but you know those boards last a week tops . get real buy quality it last longer ...

anyway i do have a new board in production so look out for the amityville horror hazel deck droping pretty soon
two sizes 8.0 and 8.25 ....... matt and shane keep skating and everyone elese on long island that suppports us . i thank you . i really do !